Sunday, December 22, 2019

Symptoms And Symptoms Of A Depressive Disorder - 1591 Words

What is a depressive disorder? â€Å" A depressive disorder is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It interferes with daily life, normal functioning, and causes pain for both the person with the disorder and those who care about him or her.† (Psychology Today) The term depression in psychology is more than just sadness. â€Å"People with depression may experience a lack of interest and pleasure in daily activities, significant weight loss or gain, insomnia or excessive sleeping, lack of energy, inability to concentrate, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.† (American Psychological Association) Depression affects 20-25% of Americans ages 18+ in a given year. (CDC) Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. (WHO) There are different types of Depressive disorders. Many of the different types of depressive disorders are Major Depression, Unipolar Depression, Persistent Depressive Disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Psychotic Depression, Postpartum Depression, and Atypical Depression. But, the two main categories of depression are Major Depressive Disorder and Dysthymia, which group together the less common types of disorders. Major depressive disorder is when you feel depressed for most days of the week. Dysthymic disorder, must have less severe symptoms lasting longer than two years that do not disable, but he/she may still function in daily life. Many people with dysthymia also experience majorShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Depressive Disorders2686 Words   |  11 PagesAbstract Depressive disorders include a group of depressive behaviors characterized by loss of interests in activities and often coupled with unhappiness. Criteria for diagnosing depressive disorders are based on DSM-5 that gives symptoms and periods for different conditions. The clinical criteria cannot function alone it is accompanied psychological and physical evaluation to eliminate diseases that mimic depression. Depressive disorders are caused by a combination of factors including environmentalRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Depressive Disorders2754 Words   |  12 PagesDepressive Disorders Yunisleidis Puentes Florida National University Author Note Yunisleidis Puentes, Blackboard Learn, Florida National University. This research was supported by Florida National University Library and was prepared on August 6, 2015 for Advanced Writing and Research, taught by Professor Sabine Louissaint. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Yunisleidis Puentes, Department of Advanced Writing and Research, Florida National University, 11865 SW 26 St, MiamiRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of A Depressive Disorder Essay1192 Words   |  5 Pageshas noticed in herself a persistent sadness, lack of energy, headaches, and a feeling of imbalance. What does this mean? Do these symptoms characterize a disorder? Will she receive help for these problems? In this particular case, some of the symptoms are considered universally characteristic of a depressive disorder, while others are culture-bound, peripheral symptoms which are context-dependent on whether they set off red flags as a mental-illness. What would differ in regards to treatment if theRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Major Depressive Disorder Essay1011 Words   |  5 Pagestype of disorder. When a deeply depressed mood comes on fairly suddenly and either seems too severe for the circumstances or exists witho ut any external cause for sadness, it is called major depressive disorder. I surmise that most people disregard this disorder as the thought of people who covet for attention. Many people suffer from depression and most believe they should live in solitary and in most severe cases depression can lead to suicide, but no one is alone. Major depressive disorder is extremeRead MoreSymptoms Of Symptoms And Treatment Of A Depressive Disorder1340 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction This case study pertains to a 37 year-old female named Ellen Waters of undisclosed race who appears to be suffering with some form of a depressive disorder. Ellen is a single (never married) graduate student who lives alone and works in home healthcare. 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It is a tragic fact that so many people suffer from depression at some point in their lives.?A diagnosis of major depressive disorder is given when a licensed counselor/ psychiatrist concludes that someone suffers from at least five of the nine symptoms listed in the DSM which are present for longer than a twoRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Manic Depressive Illness Disorder845 Words   |  4 Pages INTRODUCTION Manic-depressive illness disorder also known as bipolar disorder is a disorder of the brain that makes and abnormal change in moods, energy, activity level and the ability to carry out day to day activity. There are many symptoms of bipolar disorder which can be severe and are not the same as the regular ups and downs that people go through from time to time. It is a potentially deadly multisystem condition complicated by a variety of known comorbid conditions including both

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